236 days later, today is the day. Today my dad will walk through the door of his home for the first time since his accident. He will walk a little bit slower and a lot more careful than he has before, but most importantly, he is coming home. A nurse from Boston Medical Center said the day after this all happened that we were in for a very long roller coaster ride, and those were the truest words I have ever heard probably in my life. We have been on one long roller coaster filled with dips, turns, highs and lows and today is the biggest thrill of it all.

My dad’s recovery has been called a miracle. We have been told by the doctors and medical team that they did not expect to see him get to where he is today. His hard work and determination defeated the odds and he will go home today stronger than ever expected. I think back to when he first started moving his hands for the first time, to when he was just able to sit up in his hospital bed, to then standing, and then walking. We always look back to day nine when we are feeling down, the days we didn’t know if he would breathe on his own ever again or ever come back home to us.. and here we are 236 days later going home.

Not only was it dad’s determination and hard work that got us us where we are today, but it was also because of you. Never once did we feel alone on this journey. Whether it was a “like” or message on Facebook, a card, a phone call or a visit, it made a difference. The amount of people that reached out to us was incredible, and we are forever thankful. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world because of the people I call my friends and family, you have all been incredible. Between the dinners, joining us at mass on Sundays, volunteering to take care of my dad’s precious puppy, working on getting the house ready, even spending Christmas in a hospital with us and being our biggest supporters. I can’t begin to show enough gratitude. I do not believe we would be here if it wasn’t for all of you and your prayers and support.

To the workers, you were our seatbelts on this roller coaster. You made us feel safe and gave us the emotional and physical protection we needed. The nurses, physical therapists and doctors have trained us and dad to make this move possible. To everyone working behind the scenes back at the home, you have not made it only safe but beautiful for dads arrival. You have all gone out of your way, above and beyond and it will make this homecoming that much more special. Also to our employers, we thank you. You understand that our family comes first and showed us what work/life balance really means. You allowed us to attend all the family meetings and any special doctor’s appointments for dad, making our life that much easier.

I would also like to add in a few sentences that my mom did not proofread. Mom, you are superwoman. Your strength is incredible and your love for dad is unlike anything I have ever seen. Completing a full work day, with a two hour commute and then bringing dad dinner every night to the hospital, because at the end of the day, you just wanted to see your husband. Your life changed and you rolled with the punches gracefully. You accepted all challenges put in front of you. You are my role model and my hero. Dad and I both thank you for everything you do, even if we don’t always show it.
We understand this roller coaster ride will still continue and we will have a “new normal” for living, but we are ready and excited with all our hands in the air. Once again, I thank you ALL, and the three best friends look forward to your visits over at Graham Terrace.
With Love,
Ashley Maria and Lisa